2018 St. Patrick’s Day tournament comes to a close

The St. Patrick’s Day tournament was a success thanks to the 80 teams that participated this year. This is the first time in a while that we were at capacity. It is always nice to see familiar faces who return every year with their teams as well as all the new faces they bring along. Thank you to all of the new teams who entered this year. I hope that you have enjoyed yourself and plan to return next year and years to come. Also, a big thank you to all of the volunteers that help to make the tournament happen every year: The Med tent volunteers from Memorial Health, the beer tent volunteers from Second Harvest, and the members of the Savannah Shamrocks Rugby team. Without further ado, I bring you the 2018 champions:

Men’s Premiere: Life University

Women’s Premiere: USA South

Men’s: Savannah Shamrocks

Men’s College: University of Tennessee

Women’s College: University of Central Florida (UCF)

Old Boys over 35: ORBS

Old Boys over 45: Cardinals

Women’s Social: Sugar and Spice

Men’s Social A: North Shore

Men’s Social B: Knoxville Possums

Men’s Social C: Hartford Wanderers

Thank you everyone for a great tournament, and I look forward to seeing you next year. (2019 dates should be posted by September 1st)

– Your tournament director and enforcer, Kristie